Reopening the Church for Worship and other Activities

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It’s been twelve weeks since we last met in the sanctuary to worship together. All of us really miss that experience and want to return to it as soon as possible. Some churches are already meeting together, with, in some instances, disastrous consequences in terms of the spread of COVID-19. We are deeply commited to the health and safety of our members, and will continue to offer internet and phone based options for those who prefer to continue to stay home. We strongly support the idea that we would follow the CDC guidelines for reopening any large-group experience such as church worship services.

Using the guidelines entails, among other things, face masks (which will continue to be required no matter what we do), social distancing, temperature taking, and professional disinfecting services. Distancing alone means that we could only have 25-30 people at a time in the sanctuary. We likely would not sing together as singing is one of the quickest ways to spread the virus. In addition, professional disinfecting services need to be performed after every event held in the church.

And, perhaps the worst thing is . . .no hugging!

Which leads us to ask you to please fill out this questionnaire about your feelings on these matters, and, more importantly, your ideas for reimagining how we might “do church” in different ways. How could we find the spiritual support, the human need to congregate, the fun we’ve always known in our church without actually getting together every Sunday morning in the sanctuary? Please give this some thought – and your ideas.

Thank you . . . very much!

The Reopening Task Force: Averil McClelland, Michelle Unangst, Jan Bittner, Patty Lightner, Stephen and Carie Penrod, Rich Pejeau, Gene Fisher and Jill Harkins Goodman.

Please have each member of your household fill out this survey.  You may click on the link again or you will be invited to return to the form after submitting one.  
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.


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